Ten Things For Today

  1. The Egg Seller
    The Egg Seller
  2. The road between McCammon and Soda Springs has some major construction going on. Between McCammon and the Iron Bridge is a very complex set of road construction that’s somewhat difficult to figure out how the whole thing will look when it’s finished. From the bottom of the Fish Creek hill to the Grace intersection is also under construction. Both of those pieces will add a significant amount of four-lane road. It’ll be nice when finished. My only question is whether or not Bannock County will find that there’s enough four-lane road between McCammon and Lava Hot Springs to raise the speed limit from 55 to 65.
  3. I continue to be very impressed with the care and attention that dad’s getting in the nursing home in Soda Springs. There are currently 29 residents in the nursing home, down nine from December. Dad is no longer responsive and cannot help himself or them, but in spite of that, I think the caring attention he receives is amazing. There are some real angels on that staff.
  4. Usually around here by June everything has turned brown and somewhat ugly. We’ve had enough rain though that the hills are just starting to turn. It has been a beautiful summer this year.
  5. After we got home from the Big Trip East, I needed to move the motor home out of it’s parking spot. I went to retract the slideout, it moved in a couple of inches and stopped. Checking underneath where the mechanism is, the motor was turning but a necessary gear wasn’t being engaged. It wasn’t immediately clear to me how to disassemble, so my choices were to go online to see if I could find information, or take it in to be fixed. Nina agreed with me that having someone fix it would probably be a better option. Last summer an excellent trailer and camping supply store, along with a repair facility, opened in town, State Trailer Supply. I called them last Saturday morning and they said they could take the motor home on Monday, but that it might be better if I drove it over that morning when there wasn’t as much traffic. Good idea. They called Monday afternoon. A pin had sheared. It was replaced and the total bill was about $40. Wahoo!
  6. We spent the afternoon in Soda Springs, a short visit at the nursing home and a longer visit with mother. She needs and wants the support much more than dad does, now. I think dad has had his last conversation with any of us.
  7. In the picture above (click on the picture for more info), there are green eggs. Today I learned that there is a breed of chickens that lays green or bluish green eggs: Aracuana.
  8. Ten things on Tuesday hasn’t been working out. I’m changing the name to Ten Things for Today and hopefully at least once a week I’ll get something written along these lines.
  9. Over the past three months I’ve been keeping track of and categorizing my email. I get almost all my family and friend news today on Facebook and on Twitter. My source of national and international news is almost exclusively Twitter where the BBC, CNN, and a couple of local TV stations post a brief tweet with a link to the longer and more detailed information. That’s caused me to think about what email is good for today. It turns out, not much. It’s getting so that I may check email once or twice a day whereas I check Facebook and Twitter much more often than that. While email is probably still the most important news and information source within a corporation, I expect that will change quickly to social networking as well, much as companies try to keep it out.
  10. Finally, thanks to my sister Eileen for all her work getting Aunt Marj’s estate settled. It looks like everything will be done by August 20th. The estate isn’t large, but it was somewhat complicated. Funeral homes are never easy to deal with (they know they’ve got you captive) and the mortuary in Tooele has been no worse (and no better) than others. Perhaps in September we can get the gravestone ordered and that should just about wrap things up.