Safely Home … and Back to Work Tomorrow!

Flight from Greenville to Atlanta
Flight from Greenville to Atlanta
The airplanes were quite full, only a few open middle seats from Atlanta to Honolulu. They operated on time … in fact both of them arrived a bit early. We found our car, the parking lot ticket to get out of the lot, and made it home without incident.

The only real issue, and I think it was a pretty big issue, was the airplane from Atlanta to Honolulu was freezing cold. Everyone was wrapped up in blankets and, if they had them, were wearing winter coats. The flight from Honolulu going to Atlanta last week was freezing cold as well. This was the same airplane, so it obviously has a problem. I will definitely be registering a formal complaint with Delta. If I hear anything back, I’ll be sure to post it.

The trip met all our objectives and fulfilled a couple of other wishes. We got to Nina’s sister Marsha’s house before she passed away and Nina was able to spend a nice afternoon visiting with her sister before she took a major turn for the worse Thursday evening. Her health went steadily downhill on Friday, so Nina and her sister Pamela spent Friday night with Marsha helping to take care of her during the night so Marsha’s daughter Robin could get a few hours of sleep. Marsha was generally unresponsive during the day on Saturday and passed away early Saturday evening.

We were also able to do a bit of shopping for some things that are difficult if not impossible to find in Hawaii. I got some electronic parts at Radio Shack for a small ham radio project I have in mind. I did some browsing at Harbor Freight and spent six dollars on some little tools. Nina found several very nice looking tops to bring back with her. I was able to order a new pair of SAS shoes (I’ve worn the current pair literally to the ground). The few extras were very nice.

We’re now home and I’ll crash in another ten minutes or so for the night. We’re both very tired. Based on the amount of water I’ve guzzled since getting home, I was also a bit dehydrated (it was too cold to be drinking much on the airplane!). I’m sure I’ll be revisiting all of that water during the night….

We’re on shift at the Visitors’ Center at 2:30pm tomorrow afternoon. It’s nice to be back home and back to work.

Ta ta for now!