The Watch Is On Order!

Nina Photographing the Chickens
Nina Photographing the Chickens
At breakfast this morning while attempting to multitask, I managed to tip my glass of milk all over my Macbook keyboard (there are some in my family that will see the irony in tipping a glass over at the table…). So, my Macbook keyboard isn’t working. Fortunately, I have a generic keyboard in the closet, purchased to work with a Raspberry Pi computer, which also works quite nicely with my Macbook. Maybe after things dry out the keyboard will start working again? I can only hope. And plan to take the computer in to have someone take it apart and clean / replace the keyboard.

This morning I had an appointment at the Apple store in Waikiki to try on the new Apple Watch. A couple of years ago when the watch was mostly rumor, but a pretty likely rumor, the watch I was wearing and kind of liked gave up the ghost. It had been a Christmas present from my daughter Heather a few years earlier. Rather than buying a new watch I decided to put some money away in a CD and wait for the Apple Watch. I know this will be the first edition and the watch is expensive enough that I can’t justify staying current every couple of years and that an updated version of the watch will be available sometime around Christmas (to give a nice boost to Apple’s earnings over the holidays). But, I want one now. The CD matured two weeks ago and the money dumped into my savings account. I was hoping that I could just go to the store and buy a watch. No such luck. They can only be purchased online.

However, one can make an appointment at the Apple store to try on the watch and pick the type and watchband style that works best. So, we left the house at 8:10 am this morning to drive the hour and fifteen minutes into Waikiki. Nina went into Macy’s to do some clothes shopping (looking for some pants or capris more suitable for this climate) and I went to the Apple store at the appointed time. It took about ten minutes to decide on the 42mm watch with the black leather loop band. The delivery date was given as “June”. I’ve read online that Apple is having difficulty with one of the two suppliers for the “taptic” sensor which is slowing down production while the other supplier ramps up their production schedule. I’m thinking the promise date is more likely “late June”. Dang! (Actually only a half of a dang. The watch should have the better taptic sensor.)

After the Apple store and Macy’s, we drove over to an electronics store that is supposed to have some ham radio stuff. I was looking for a small magnetic mount antenna for the car that I can hook to my hand-held radios when we’re driving someplace. No such luck. This will have to be something ordered online. Dang!

We stopped by Walmart on our way back home to pick up a couple of items. All of my casual shirts are long-sleeved shirts. I was able to buy a couple of casual short-sleeved shirts at a very good price and Nina was able to find a dish drainer mat that was the right size. That was a successful stop.

We decided to make the round trip rather then driving back the way we came. That meant we could stop at the Dole Plantation Visitor Center. While interesting, the prices were rather high. See Nina’s blog for today for some interesting examples. The picture was taken on the grounds at the Dole Visitor Center. Ferrel chickens abound everywhere in Hawaii (along with ferrel cats). Several chickens had taken up residence underneath a picnic table … worthy of a picture, both of Nina taking a picture and her taking a picture of the chickens.

We’re ready to close up for the night. We’re working the morning shift tomorrow through Saturday. We’ve had a nice day off and it’ll be good to be back at the Center tomorrow morning.

Life is refreshed!