Physical Therapy … It’s Not Getting Any Easier (yet)

The Best Part of Physical Therapy: Ice
The Best Part of Physical Therapy: ICE

Today’s workout was the hardest so far. I’m told they get harder … and I’m glad I’ve got some pain pills to help this process along. I am making good progress. It’s only been four weeks since the surgery.

Today’s workout started with 10 minutes of hot pads on the knees followed by 10 minutes riding the stationary bike. Then stepping over cones and side-stepping over cones to work on going straight up and over. That was followed by a vigorous massage of the knees and the incision to keep scar tissue from forming. Then a number of stretch exercises came next. Finally, the dreaded wall slide.

After that it’s 15 minutes of ice and electrical stimulation. By that time the ice feels like heaven!

The hardest part of the rehabilitation session is the wall slide at the end. Laying on a table with my foot against the wall, I’m to slide my foot up and down the wall. Once I can slide my foot all the way down the wall, then move closer to the wall. Keep doing that to increase the amount of bend in the knee when the foot is at the bottom. My goodness, does that hurt! I don’t have enough strength to lift my foot back up the wall, so my therapist helps that process. Here’s a short (less than a minute) video of this process, along with Nina’s cheerleading:

It doesn’t look all that hard … but there’s a reason it’s the last part of the therapy session. Tomorrow afternoon I’ll go into the office for a couple of hours and start getting back into the work routine.

Ta ta for now!