Mother Was In the News … 50 Years Ago

20121026-203703.jpgThe Caribou County Sun, the weekly newspaper in Soda Springs, Idaho fairly often runs a recap of the news from 10 years ago, 20 years ago, and 50 years ago. This week’s paper in the 50 years ago section had a small piece about several women who went to the Relief Society Conference in Salt Lake City and sang in the choir. My mother, Arlene Smith, was among those women. So, she gets her name in the newspaper 50 years ago and again this week.

No baseball tonight … today is a travel day. But there is Air Force football. They’re doing well this evening.

The home health nurse finished up her work for me this morning. Every day is seeing good progress. Nina left to go to the temple this morning at 4:30 am for her weekly shift. That meant I was on my own this morning. No problem. When I got up I unlocked the front door so, if I needed help, people could get in without having to break down the door. I carried my cell phone with me … and with all those preparations, everything went well. I was even able to get myself dressed. That was a first.

Otherwise, this was actually a fairly benign day. Sufficient pain kept me pretty much confined to the living room. I’m looking forward to getting into bed in about a half hour.

I did have a visitor this morning. One of my neighbors down the street stopped by to say hello and visit for a while. Thanks, Steve! I enjoyed the company.

Ta ta for now!