Triple-T for Tuesday, April 21st

Can I come up with ten things? That is, ten things before bedtime?

  1. Today was one of those spectacular days. Perfect temperatures, beautiful skies, and a slight breeze. It was nice to spend some time outside.
  2. I uncovered the motor home and got it started to charge up the battery. We’ve got an itch to go camping somewhere Real Soon Now. I’m thinking that maybe we should go over to Craters of the Moon National Monument as it’s only a three hour or so drive from here. I’ve been there once and Nina’s never been there. Many years ago when Trevor was in his freshman year in college, his roommate’s mission farewell was in Stanley, Idaho. Trevor invited me to go up with him on our motorcycles and we had a great trip. One the way we rode through Craters of the Moon on our motorcycles and that was my one short visit. I think we were there about 45 minutes? It probably doesn’t really count as a visit. The motor home goes into the shop on Thursday for an oil change and checkup. After that it’s ready to roll.
  3. I got the motorcycle started today as well. It goes into the shop on the 29th for it’s spring cleaning. I may have to do a little riding before then just because.
  4. Nina went in for a colonoscopy this morning. I had one a couple of years ago and a sigmoidoscopy a few years before that. The preparation process has improved dramatically over the years. I was absolutely miserable prepping for the sigmoidoscopy. There’s technology being tested now that uses digital imaging similar to an MRI to do colon screening which requires no prepping at all. Then the actual colonoscopy is done only when the computer screening indicates. By the time I have to do the next one, I’m expecting that the new screening process will be in general use.
  5. The Avalon went back to the garage for the dent repair yesterday morning. We’re once again coordinating who needs the car when. The Avalon will hopefully be finished tomorrow so we can get back to our normal hectic routine.
  6. I’m still amazed at our quick trip to Yellowstone last Friday. We had Church commitments on Thursday and Saturday but when we learned that the Park was opening the roads on the west side on Friday, we decided to make the trip. I think we’ve now been in the Park during every season of the year.
  7. We’re definitely headed east in June. Nina’s thinking about what routes and who we’ll be visiting. Two stops for sure: Dawnmarie’s for a baptism and Daryl’s to see Daryl and Laura’s new house. Now’s the time to talk to Nina to get on the agenda!
  8. Working with both Georgetown and Montpelier has gotten me thinking about why towns were set up where they were. Both were established by assignment from Brigham Young and it appears that they were both set up because they were on the Oregon Trail and that provided a ready market for the commodities and produce from the farms around these towns. I’ve come to better appreciate Brigham Young’s role as a colonizer.
  9. This past week I read a very interesting article written by Danah Boyd who recently completed her Ph.D work and took a position with Microsoft Research. Her research has been about social media and the article titled “Social Media is Here to Stay… Now What?” discusses in the section titled “Act Two Youth vs Adults” some things that I’ve observed in my Facebook community of friends and relatives. For instance:

    Adults have approached Facebook in very different ways. Adults are not hanging out on Facebook. They are more likely to respond to status messages than start a conversation on someone’s wall (unless it’s their birthday of course). Adults aren’t really decorating their profiles or making sure that their About Me’s are up-to-date. Adults, far more than teens, are using Facebook for its intended purpose as a social utility. For example, it is a tool for communicating with the past.

    That section talks about the “32 Things” phenomena that swept through Facebook and really clarified how that activity is different from the other funky stuff that goes on in Facebook that most grownups aren’t interested in.

  10. I’m well on my way through another reading of the Wheel of Time series. The next book in the series will be published on November 3rd and I wanted to get through re-read of the first twelve books by then. However, the books are so interesting that I’ll be finished long before November 3rd. So then what do I do? Start over again?

And that’s another Ten Things for a Tuesday.

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