Sometime Life is Very Busy!

I’m at my daughter’s house in North Salt Lake today. My oldest granddaughter’s new beau flew in from England last night so we’re checking him out. Seems like a nice enough chap. We’ll stay through dinner and then drive back to Pocatello as we’ve got a busy day tomorrow and Sunday, including leaving after Church on Sunday to begin the drive to Chandler, Arizona to spend a week with our daughter and family there. I’ve started writing this blog entry without a title because I haven’t figured out what I should call it! By the time I get done, I’m sure something will pop out of the brain cells.

Mother had cataract surgery on her left eye on Wednesday late morning. She and dad drove over and for that, stayed the night on Wednesday night, and we took them back home on Thursday late afternoon. My assignment was to chauffeur dad wherever he needed to go while Nina did the same for mother. The surgery went well and dad got all of his shopping and browsing done as well. That included trips to Partner Steel (to get some aluminum plate), the audiologist (to get a new ear mold made for his hearing aid), Harbor Freight (a new half-inch drill), Lowes (three way light switches), Winco (caffeine-free Diet Coke), and the Bureau of Land Management (to get a map of the Preston area showing land ownership). All the shopping was successful and dad was happy with the results. Mother’s eyesight wasn’t quite back to normal so I drove their car, along with dad, back to Soda Springs and Nina drove our car with mother over to Soda Springs as well. That was a very quick trip because Nina needed to be up to the prison by 6:45 pm. We were home with time to spare.

Thursday morning I convened the third meeting of the Southeast Idaho Information Technology Professionals Organization. A group of the IT people in the area got together at Perkins Restaurant in Pocatello. We’re making some real progress on getting this organization setup and moving forward. It’s seems to be getting some legs. It’s been interesting to get to know some of the IT people from the City of Pocatello, Bannock County, Portneuf Medical Center, Idaho State University, and some of the other companies in town. We’ll meet again in early April. It’s been a busy week!

1 thought on “Sometime Life is Very Busy!

  1. Roland……

    It has been a busy week. Are you trying to wangle something from the IT people or just making contacts? I’m still trying to decide if you are retired or working! Or Both, like me!!

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