Revealed: Costco Pharmacy Low Price Strategy

Revealed: Costco Pharmacy Low Price Strategy

Revealed: Costco Pharmacy Low Price Strategy

Medicare prescription plans are strange beasts. Because I’m a veteran, I can get my meds from the VA now that I’m 65 rather than having to use a Medicare Part D plan. The VA nurse practitioner writing my prescriptions said that some of them would be cheaper to buy at Costco than from the VA. However, he couldn’t write those prescriptions, he could only write scripts to be filled by the VA pharmacy.

So, I went to my regular doctor on Monday. He faxed the needed scripts to Costco. I went there … and the pharmacy was closed. It would open again in a little more than a half hour. I needed some other stuff, so I got that, took that out to the car, came back in and had a Costco Hot Dog and Sprite (good hot dog and nice sized drink for $1.59), and continued to kill time until the pharmacy opened.

Then I had to wait another half hour while they actually filled the prescriptions that had been faxed in. I did their paperwork which brings down the prices a bit more, and wandered around the store until the prescriptions were filled.

However, they didn’t have a full 90-day supply of one of the meds. The pharmacy tech said that the rest would be in on Tuesday morning and I could come back then to get the remainder.

So, this afternoon after having lunch with Nina, I went over to Costco to pick up a couple of items Nina needed (frozen beans and corn) and to get the remainder of the prescription.

The pharmacy was closed. It would be a bit over another half-hour before it opened again. I left. I can do this on another day. But first, I’ll call to find out when the pharmacy is actually open!

I’m suspect this is how the prices remain low. You can’t buy anything….

1 thought on “Revealed: Costco Pharmacy Low Price Strategy

  1. That is one reason I pay a bit more at Walgreen’s; they are reliable and available a couple blocks from our home. The new Lowe’s store on N. Nevada is a real blessing with the Woodmen-Academy interchange being built. What a mess that is and I seldom go to Home Depot anymore.

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