New Numbers: Seven Going On Eleven

Packing and Re-Packing
Packing and Re-Packing
That’s not in any way a reference to the game of Craps, by the way. It’s just how many days are left (seven) here in Cowboy RV Park and how many days are left (eleven) before we go into the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. Today was another busy day getting ready to leave as was yesterday. Nina packed up a couple of boxes of crafty stuff to send to our daughter Jaelene. Then we couldn’t find the TV remote. We had stuff scattered everywhere in this small motor home, and one would think it would be impossible to lose something like the TV remote in this small area, but lost it was. Even after undoing and going through the boxes, no remote appeared. On the other hand, repacking the boxes made a little more space for some extra goodies. Nina finally went through trash. As usual, the remote was found in the least likely place.

It’s always the case that things are found in the last place you look … because then you stop looking.

Two boxes were shipped parcel post to Hawaii this afternoon. A small flat screen TV, a couple of monitors, and a bunch of other computer stuff went. It’ll take three to four weeks to arrive. So, it’s possible that we’ll get there before this stuff does. We’ll have two more boxes to send early next week and that task can be checked off. Tomorrow morning we’ll drive over to Boise and back tomorrow afternoon for a last visit to Nina’s cousin-in-law. Unfortunately, it’ll likely be a last visit as the odds are that she won’t still be living when we return from Hawaii. She’ll be missed.

I’m sure I’m missing something important that needs to be be done that will become a crisis. Meanwhile, ignorance is bliss!