Glenmont, New York! We’ve Arrived at the Next Big Stop

Getting the motor home ready to leave Chardon was a bit of a chore … we had more than nine inches of snow! I had to climb up on the roof to move the snow off so we could close the slideout. The valve for the grey water tank was frozen, so I wasn’t able to dump the tanks before we left. The GPS said 8 hours from Chardon to Nina’s cousin Priscilla in Glenmont, New York. I was hoping to be gone by 10, but it was much closer to 11 before we actually drove away.

The drive was completely uneventful. We drove through a few snow squalls but the roads were for the most part dry and occasionally wet. However, at least half of the drive was in the dark. We decided that we won’t do any more driving at night. We don’t have a hard schedule, so we don’t need to do night-time driving.

We’re parked in Priscilla’s driveway. We’ll be here a couple of days before heading eastward to Connecticut. The weather forecast is for rain / snow / ice over the next couple of days. That’s not particularly exciting….

We went to the Albany First Ward for Sacrament Meeting this morning. A high councilor spoke and the bishop spoke. It was an excellent meeting and both Nina and I were very impressed.

The high councilor spoke about temporal and spiritual self reliance. In the talked he related an experience he had as a Branch President in a meeting with Elder Scott, an apostle. He had asked how he, as a Branch President, can help his branch come closer to the Savior. The answer was very interesting to me: You must know the Savior!

The bishop spoke about gifts of love quoting from a talk given by President Henry Eyring when he was Director of Church Education in a speech given at BYU in 1980. The bishop elaborated President Eyring’s “Theory of Gift Giving and Receiving”. The theory had three key elements: (1) The giver feels what you feel and is touched, (2) the gift is free with no strings, and (3) the giver feels the sacrifice is a bargain. The bishop then challenged the ward to give a gift of love sometime during the coming holiday season.

We’ve spent the rest of the day just visiting. It’s been a nice Sunday.

Life is great!