Re-Arranging My Thumb … Not Purposely, However

A Smashed Thumb
A Smashed Thumb

Last Saturday I started the process of building a wheelchair ramp so Nina could go with me to Church. The first step was to cut a 2×4 on the diagonal. I was pushing (with a push-stick) the wood through the cut when the wood came up HARD and smashed into my thumb. OUCH!!

Needless to say, the ramp didn’t get finished and I was off to the Emergency Room. Four stitches later I was bandaged up and ready to go home. I took a couple of (out of focus) pictures of the thumb … click here … or else don’t if that kind of thing isn’t interesting to you!

There was definitely plenty of dressing on the thumb? It was definitely in the way today … it  kept hitting the space bar on the computer while I was trying to write some complicated computer programming. That made the debugging process interesting, in an understated kind of a way.

Keeping It Dry
Keeping It Dry

I have to keep it dry. Thankfully, I can barely get my left hand into an XL rubber glove for doing the dishes or taking a shower.

I went  to a hand doctor on Monday (yesterday) who looked at the thumb, praised the ER guy who did the sewing, had his nurse re-dress the thumb, and sent me home for a week. I’m to change the dressing every day, and “KEEP IT DRY!” Apparently, hand wounds are quite susceptible to infections. So, I’m trying to be very religious about keeping the dressing dry. I go back again next Monday where he’ll decide what to do next. At minimum he’ll redo the stitching to pull the wound a bit closer  together.

The ramp still isn’t built.

Ta ta for now!